Marketplace reccomended

It seems to me that the marketplace reccomended list isn't really that fair. for instance, modulo, with 70 customizable areas is at the bottom of it. learview and Bildpunkt have been at the top for about a month now. And while they are both great themes, there are so many more great themes, paid and free on the marketplace. I think that a list that cycles a lot would be better for people to discover new themes, and would make it so that great new themes (ie. modulo, simply clean, typography and streamlined - just some themes that were added recently that look good to me) also get some marketshare. Same thing for addons too. (there though a lot of the c5 core team stuff is highlighted which I understand, but on the following pages it would be good.)
Also free things don't get highlighted much. Destyle is a great theme with a lot of cool features, and its free, but its pretty low. Seems a little cheap to me. (though c5 does make money on purchases of others eddons/themes)
What are your thoughts?

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply

This to be honest is up to concrete5. When I look for themes or addons I scroll through the marketplace.

Same thing kinda happens at themeforest. With the front page listing all of the new themes.

Personally I think its ok the way it is. I rather have the core team dedicate their time to the core. But that's just me.


c5bundle - Launches Jan. 1, 2011
frozennh replied on at Permalink Reply
i would agre with the core team, but meybe prb members could?
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
The PRB team doesn't have any control over that.

But don't worry I will make a note of it for my upcoming project.
frozennh replied on at Permalink Reply
cool thanks. What your upcoming project?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
You're right, and the new version of the marketplace will address many of these concerns.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
looking forward to it.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
You and me both brutha. ;)