Modify and remove underscore from Simple Blue Links

I am new to C5 and I started with the Simple Blue Template simply because it is simple and clean which is what I was looking for.

I would like to remove the underscore that appears in the link titles and text body and retain only the blue coloring.

Could someone please point me to the corr4ect file and bit of code. I looked through the CSS files on my host server, but I can't figure it out.

Apprecitate it. Thanks.

boomgraphics replied on at Permalink Reply
if your are talking about underlines, just find the element you want to remove them from and use this css:
text-decoration: none;

For example, for your links, add this css to your css file (usually main.css in your theme):

a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:hover {
text-decoration: none;

That will remove all underlines from all links.

If you have underlines on regular paragraph text, use this:
p {
text-decoration: none;

You might be able to simply paste this into the dashboard theme styles section, if it has an area for general css (where you edit the link colors, etc). Otherwise just past this into the main.css file.

Hope it helps! :-)
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
If its in your Typography CSS, you'd find it as follows:
Packages - theme_simple_blue - themes - simple_blue - typography
EIanetti replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you both for the quick response. I was looking for some code to delete. Shows how little I know. Never occurred to me to add something to change the link underscoring.
EIanetti replied on at Permalink Reply
Now, I'm back for more. I would like to adjust the line spacing in a autonav block.

I've tried several modifications to the typography css in keeping with the suggestions above, but no luck.

Also, is it possible to use an alternate text in autonav - what I would like to try is an abbreviated title rather than the full length article title.

As always, thanks in advance.