Modifying theme css

I'm trying to modify the theme loadfoov2 which is installed in the /packages folder.

To make changes to the css, should I make the changes to the main.css file in /packages/theme_loadfoov2/themes/loadfoov2/ folder or in the /themes folder?
I tried copying main.css to /themes/loadfoov2/main.css and making my changes there to keep the package original but it's not working.

I did manage to edit the form block by making my changes in the /blocks/form/ folder but can't get my changes to work with the themes.


ThemeGoodness replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe you need to modify the ones found in the packages directory. I personally would back up the original, but then I back up everything.

Are you talking about adding a custom template to the block form? Once you create your form click it like you are going to edit it and scroll down the menu and you will see a "custom template" option this will allow you to select any templates that are installed.
eyecandy replied on at Permalink Reply
It's not a problem for me to edit the ones in the packages directory but if there's a way to add it to the themes folder in the root then I would like to add it there. I figured that I could do it that way since it's possible to edit the blocks in the same fashion.

I've already edited the template for the form block and modified the html in the controller.php file to be tableless.

- Steve