Mystery Area - Page Types - Header

I'm dealing with site that has had many cooks in the kitchen (including me) over the years and I suspect this is the root of the problem, but in a nutshell, here's the problem.

I want to edit the header. When I go to the site's page type via the dashboard and attempt to edit, I see an area that contains the site's name that is not editable (not surrounded by red dots.) In other C5 sites, I'm able to edit this area with difficulty.

Why? How do I get into this area? How do I make it editable? (Apologies in advance if this is a dumb question.)

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
There is a sitename edit in the dashboard. Some themes take that and show it in the header.

Enter 'Sitename' in the dashboard search
JohnPDX replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect. Thank you!