Need help with Auto-Nav menu
I have already spent an hour with this problem. Can someone help me? The problem is that menu is now double rowed. how can i make titel block smaller and menu block wider ? please help me

delete the 'search' block.
It wount help.
and the area is undelateble
In the Elemental theme, the Sitewide Header Search Area is always visible while in edit mode. When not in edit mode, this area will only be visible if it contains a block.
You cannot delete a block through the concrete5 editing interface. To remove an area, you must edit the theme files.
An alternative to deleting the Search block, is to change the Bootstrap grid classes of the header areas. Taking space from one area to give to another.
This link explains how to use Bootstrap grid classes:
In the Elemental theme, the Sitewide Header Search Area is always visible while in edit mode. When not in edit mode, this area will only be visible if it contains a block.
You cannot delete a block through the concrete5 editing interface. To remove an area, you must edit the theme files.
An alternative to deleting the Search block, is to change the Bootstrap grid classes of the header areas. Taking space from one area to give to another.
This link explains how to use Bootstrap grid classes:
Thanks it helped me alought!
It wount help.
Third column, 'search area' is only shown if used. See attached.
Thanks, you are right, my bad.