need to reset customizer but can't get back in the customizer
i made a Chang in the customizer and now i get an error that a varible is undefined. i what to reset the cusomizer so that it will work agen but can get in to it. Is there a file that i can mainly delete to reset it?
i'm working on making my owen them and the variable is set in the defaults.less. what i did what hit the x on the back ground color for this this variable and now i need to rest customizer manly for i can not get back in it
Please show code error?
variable @navbg-color is undefined
Check and make sure reference to '@nav-bg-color' is right. It's in 'defaults.less', but where else is it written?
Thank you for the help. That was an old var that i had and i forgot that i was using it in a lighten stament. thank u for your help
Which theme are you using?