Newbie Questions

I am new to c5 but not to OS CMS systems. I and building my first theme and started with the default theme as my guide. I have successfully and with relative ease created my own theme (thank you for the video tut) and now I am customizing. Here are a few things I have noticed and would appreciate any direction on these issues. I has scoured for posts on these but was unsuccessful finding the answers.

Demo User: demo pass: demo123

1. Navigation - At some point in my design it appears I may have deleted the default navigation from a couple pages. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the menu back. I have examined code (I'm not a programmer) and cannot see any changes. I can add a new nav block but the default styling is absent. Any thoughts?

examples - /index.php = block added nav.
/contact = nav is missing.
/portfolio = showing default menu.

all are set to right-sidebar view.

2. Edit mode. my site and styles are nearly completed but when I enter edit mode on any page all block go to 100% width. For the sake of design I did remove from the default theme the #page width: 800px. It is not only in the #central and a few other tags I am using. I have noticed the use of cm.ui.css when in edit mode. Does this truncate main.css in any way? Is there ever a need to edit the cm.ui.css file? I am attaching screeshots for consideration.

3. I am sure this is simple but I wondered if there is a place in the forum for how to change the default blocks and set blocks to be pervasive on every page with the identical content ie Navigation, News, Search etc. I am sure this is here somewhere and just eluding me at the moment.

4. Lastly, I am seeking to find the location of the left-sidebar, and press release views in default. Are these handled strictly with CSS or are there separate files?

Thank you for your help for a new guy. I look forward to contributing as I get acclimated. I am enjoying the product.


2 Attachments

unit4pjr replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,
I'm new to c5 too but I can help with a couple of the things you mention...

for point 1. go into edit mode, click on the auto-nav block you added and select custom template from the menu. Select the header menu template and that should fix that.

point 3, you can set defaults for pages in the dashboard.
Dashboard -> pages & themes -> page types
You need to be careful to pick the right page type to edit, but any changes here will be reflected in any FUTURE pages you create. Note that existing pages will remain as they are.

Hope that helps,
Redshift replied on at Permalink Reply

That helped a lot on those items. I am in the cascade of where the answer to one question leads to 5 more. I am sure I will be posting a lot :) Thank you for the help.
Redshift replied on at Permalink Reply
Another question to heap on the pile.

5. Is there a way to navigate the site from page to page while in edit mode where you do not have to exit to get to the another page. I might even consider disabling the editing of the nav block to do so. I welcome thoughts.
danielromney replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Redshift,
For point 2, you might want to try specifying your widths for your two inside divs as a pixel dimension, and not a %, see if that makes a difference. I haven't ever really had a problem with that, and I usually specify pixel dimensions rather than %.
See if that makes a difference.

Point 4, the Press release and any other "layouts" are actually separate files like the default.php.

For example I have 3 or 4 separate layout files for my website, a two column, a 3 column, and a single column.

Point 5, as far as I know, as long as you are editing a page, you can't navigate to another unless you exit exit mode, except for if your navigation is static.

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