Plain_Yogurt Editing Problems

Hello Friends,

I do customized my
Now, I got in trouble with the Homepage Design Plain-Yogurt.
I uploaded a photo which problem I have.
I will put in this space e.g couple pictures, a animated banner...
How I can set up this things?
On the Website Editing it is not allowed.
Either I can't decrease this border.

Can anyone help me out.

1 Attachment

joseajohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
The CSS file will accomplish this for you; it's located at

On line 15 you could modify the height declaration on following line:
#page #headerSpacer{ height:64px }

to read 0px.

You'll still have a bit of a margin from the autonav (even though it's not being displayed on the homepage) showing, but it's a nice buffer for the eyes against your browser.

If you really can't stand the remaining whitespace, though, it can be knocked out by making this change:
#page{ width:800px; margin:auto; text-align:left position:relative; top: -14px;}

on line 14 - the 'position' and 'top' declarations will push the whole page up the same amount of space that the autonav was pushed down.

Good Luck!
Chatterbuzzmarketing replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hey Sounds like you know what your talking about
Im using the Blue Masters Template and there is a massive space in between the main and body which I can't get rid of.

do you know how to get rid of this? (file attached)

Also the menu bar ... do you know how I can change the colour?
ChrisK01 replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, thanks a lot my dear.

Your solutions are working perfectly for me.