Problems with Destyle Theme


If anyone is using the Destyle Theme out there that has removed the lines that are shown on the full page, how did you remove them? I have attached an image that shows exactly what I am talking about.


1 Attachment

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
you should be able to remove that with css ?! Can you give me a link to your site ?
Adreco replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
In your style.css for that theme, it calls up a background image (at around line 213 - 217) Just comment that line out or replace the image file (found in themes image folder as bg-content)

Hope this helps

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks adreco, you beat me to it! :D

Here is the lines your looking to edit in style.css james:

#content {
   margin: 0 40px;
   background: transparent url(img/bg-content.gif) repeat-y 600px 0px;
   z-index: 3;

place "//" in the background line like this:

// background: transparent url(img/bg-content.gif) repeat-y 600px 0px;
jamesbbj1 replied on at Permalink Reply
You guys are awesome! Thanks for the help! Will try it out in a bit and let you all know the outcome.