PSD to C5

I have a PSD file that is positively perfect at this point, except that I can not for the life of me figure out how to get it into C5.

I've read about making it into HTML in Dreamveaver and then transferring that to C5, and that's great. I can figure that out. But, where does it go after that?

How do I take all the code that I create and install as a custom theme? Is that even how it works.

Any help or suggestions would be great.

I am a print designer and most of the time, all this coding web stuff is just babble to me.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Here are some how-to's:





None of them will cover every single last possible detail that you'll run into, but if you have specific questions feel free to ask on the forums (after searching to see if they've already been asked before). The more specific the question, the more helpful answers people can give.

Good luck!
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
BTW, it is not really possible to build a theme without a basic understanding of how HTML/CSS works in general. So a definite pre-requisite is to make sure you can get your design into HTML/CSS first (outside of any CMS stuff), and that you at least kinda-sorta understand what the HTML/CSS means.
risaauger replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the links to tutorials. I know a bit of HTML and will give this a try.