Silence theme: edit mode with wrong dimensions – live mode correct?

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Hi, I just bought the theme Silence. But I have a big problem now with it. The dimensions for most elements are wrong (width to small) in the edit mode. In the live mode many elements are wider. So I can't use the whole width for many elements. And I can not see the correct result of changes. I hope you can understand my problem? You can see the different in the attached files.

I did logged in with new versions of Safari and FireFox. But it was the same problem.
I use the latest version of concrete5 ( with Bluehost.

Any ideas? Thank you very much!

formedia replied on at Permalink Reply
No I have fixed the problem (thank you sebastienj!)
His wrote me:

Before the official update of Silence, you fix that by changing the line 4 of theme/silence/css/columnal.css :

#silence .container {padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; position:relative; width: 100%}

jamesdtedder replied on at Permalink Reply
This did not work for me.

Did you completely replace

.container {padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; position:relative;}