Simply - Grunge
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When I install this theme I get the following Error:
mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'vcard' for key 'btHandle'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO BlockTypes(btID,btHandle,btName,btDescription,btActiveWhenAdded,btCopyWhenPropagate,btIncludeAll,btIsInternal,btDisplayOrder,btInterfaceWidth,btInterfaceHeight,pkgID) VALUES (NULL,'vcard','vCard Address','A simple block to add vCard styled addresses.',1,0,0,0,28,'370','350','8')")
In the list of installed packages, it seems installed, but when I go to themes, the theme is not there for selection. Anyone know how I can fix this? If the error has nothing to do with my being able to use the theme, I'm most interested in how I can get the theme applied.
Thanks in advance.
mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'vcard' for key 'btHandle'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO BlockTypes(btID,btHandle,btName,btDescription,btActiveWhenAdded,btCopyWhenPropagate,btIncludeAll,btIsInternal,btDisplayOrder,btInterfaceWidth,btInterfaceHeight,pkgID) VALUES (NULL,'vcard','vCard Address','A simple block to add vCard styled addresses.',1,0,0,0,28,'370','350','8')")
In the list of installed packages, it seems installed, but when I go to themes, the theme is not there for selection. Anyone know how I can fix this? If the error has nothing to do with my being able to use the theme, I'm most interested in how I can get the theme applied.
Thanks in advance.
During install the theme installs 3 blocks including a vcard one.
That block is already installed which leads to an error so the install doesn't properly finish leaving the theme not installed.
Try to uninstall the vcard block first and then try to install the theme again.