Site completely down


I tried to change my theme and when i did, the entire site went down. I cannot log into the dashboard or even get to the admin portal. I don't know where to start to fix this, Here is the error code

mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cIsActive' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.cPointerID, Pages.cPointerExternalLink, Pages.cIsActive, Pages.cIsSystemPage, Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow, Pages.cFilename, Collections.cDateAdded, Pages.cDisplayOrder, Collections.cDateModified, cInheritPermissionsFromCID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cPendingAction, cPendingActionUID, cPendingActionTargetCID, cPendingActionDatetime, cCheckedOutUID, cIsTemplate, uID, cPath, Pages.ctID, ctHandle, ctIcon, ptID, cParentID, cChildren, ctName, cCacheFullPageContent, cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime, cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom from Pages inner join Collections on Pages.cID = Collections.cID left join PageTypes on (PageTypes.ctID = Pages.ctID) left join PagePaths on (Pages.cID = PagePaths.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) where Pages.cID = '5'")

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you take a backup first?

You can usually get directly to the dashboard by going to

From the dshboard, swap back to your previous theme or revert to the backup.