Supermint Theme has crashed my site

Hi there, I've just installed c5 and I was going through the themes and downloaded a few to see what I wanted. I tried to download the Supermint theme, but there was an error so I just continued on my merry way. Now when I went back to work the dashboard to start building my site it's just given me a whole lot of error. Please can anyone help? I cannot access the URL or my Dashboard. Both look the same.

Here is an excerpt of the error that has taken over the whole screen:
Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_COMPILE_ERROR)
Cannot use Concrete\Core\Foundation\Object as Object because 'Object' is a special class name

Stack frames (3)
Whoops\Run handleError
Whoops\Run handleShutdown
namespace Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Src\Models;

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));

use \Concrete\Core\Legacy\Model;
use \Concrete\Core\Foundation\Object;

use Loader;
use Config;
use Package;
use User;
use DOMDocument;
use Core;
use Page;
use stdClass;

use \Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Src\Helper\ThemeFile as ThemeFileHelper;
use \Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Src\Helper\SmArrayToXml;
use \Concrete\Package\ThemeSupermint\Src\Helper\SmXmlToArray ;

use \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session as SymfonySession;

ANY help would be much appreciated.

PS. This is actually the 2nd time this happened. The first time I just put it down to me messing something up, so I uninstalled and reinstalled c5, but this time I know its DEFINITELY the supermint theme thats broken it all. And I really dont want to reinstall it again.

mluxor replied on at Permalink Reply
Before istalling a theme from the marketplace, one should always check if the demo link works. Checking the support page is also recommended to see if questions are answered and problems resolved.

Supermint’s demo page link is broken and the support page looks abandoned, showing many unresolved issues.

Why are such themes still on the marketplace?

A quick check on the marketplace items show, that many add-ons and themes have broken demo page links and unsatisfactory support pages.

Is the marketplace page maintained?
alnik replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, noob mistake. Is there a way to uninstall that theme (not that I actually installed it, it had apparently errored out before it installed)? Or is this a uninstall concrete5 reinstall kinda solution?

and then is there any way for me to save all the add-ons that I've downloaded, or would I need to write a list and re-download them all?