Supermint3 can not be removed
Hi, we installed the supermint3 but decided to remove it because there is no support and ots very old. We installed Fundamentals Theme, but we still see the Supermint optins on our Dashboard dashboard/supermint_options.

Did you uninstall the package?
I did a backup of my database, reinstalled Concrete5 and started all over again with Theme Fundamental. Hope this theme is better or that at least I can remove it in the future if I need too.
I feel your pain. There is something wrong with Supermint 3 and its removal not clearing or restoring default links :
3 years later and this theme is still crashing installations.
Do I really have to start all over?
Do I really have to start all over?
Any error messages you can share? Anything that could help find a solution for you?