Theme license

Hi! My first concrete5 project finally moved from dev to its destination and now i am wondering - should i do something on the project page with moving the license? Or does a license cover both the dev version and production? On my project page the licenses is listed under the dev environment since that was where it started out, but do i risk that its not working later on the production? I am using eCommerce and Slate..

Thanks in advance:-)

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
IMO you can read the licence terms so that your licence covers every instance that isn't public to other users, e.g. dev, testing and staging. If you literally read the standard marketplace licence terms (like in court you would), it covers ONLY:
a) production AND
b) one of these: dev, testing, staging, etc.

So, in your case you should be fine in both cases. On your production site you can go to Sitewide Settings where you can connect the production site to the marketplace and it will be added to the same project that you used on development, assuming you didn't do a completely new installation there.

From "your projects" page, you cannot currently change the "main domain" for the project. I actually requested this feature in another topic here but didn't get any answers to it.

Antti / Mainio