Theme not showing for installation
So I'm trying to learn Concrete and have been playing around with installing themes. I have been able to connect my site/project with the main concrete site and purchase and install 2 free themes via Dashboard -> Extend Concrete. However, I tried to do the same with 3 more just to get a feel and these 3 are not showing up after going to "Extend Concrete". What's going on here?

Did you follow the same procedure to install the 3 new themes that you followed to install the original 2 themes?
Yes, or so I thought. I just went back and tried it again just to confirm, but realized that I had two projects connected to the Concrete website. The first installation I did was 5.7 and realized that some of the themes that I had chosen to try out were not compatible with the 5.7 version. So I uninstalled that version and installed and connected that project as well. However, I kept the same name and of course the same domain name for the project.
Turns out, the issue was that I was selecting the wrong project and obviously the themes that I was trying to use wasn't showing up in the version that I was currently using.
I have since deleted the project that I don't need from my profile so that this confusion won't happen again in the future.
Sorry for the trouble, but thank you for the response.
Take care and Shalom!
Turns out, the issue was that I was selecting the wrong project and obviously the themes that I was trying to use wasn't showing up in the version that I was currently using.
I have since deleted the project that I don't need from my profile so that this confusion won't happen again in the future.
Sorry for the trouble, but thank you for the response.
Take care and Shalom!