theme graphics

Permalink 1 user found helpful
What sort of graphics would users want?

I just finished a contract so I have a little down time and I am just putzin with some layout graphics. Created a nice set that is looking like parchment.

With a bit if CSS you could very nicely set some good looking fonts and the like on it.

Just an idea.

synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
did you mean theme colors?

shapes, i guess are a good thing for creating nice looking theme graphics.

for theme colors/fonts check


have fun
Maynar replied on at Permalink Reply
Nice sites synlag, currently redesigning my own website so those tools and tutorials can come in very useful. You never stop learning ;)

@Bcarone: I think layout graphics are very user depended. Not every one likes the same thing or even a larger group of people like the same thing so...