Themes not installing

Nne of the themes that I have down loaded will install.

I keep getting an error message saying that I do not have zip installed...

C5 is up to date.

Can someone please advise

julia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

First, you should verify that you do in fact have zip installed on your server. This is separate from concrete5 and specific to your server/hosting environment.

If you do have zip installed and you are on the latest version of c5, the only other thing that usually causes this error is running a very old version of PHP, typically a 5.2.x of PHP.

Your best bet would be to contact your hosting company and ask about zip and the version of PHP.
wilddog replied on at Permalink Reply
OK. Thanks I will take this up with them. Appreciate the effort in replying! Sort of stuffed at the moment...
wilddog replied on at Permalink Reply
OK I have created a phpinfo file and the server tells me that it is running PHP Version 5.3.13

I can also see two bits of information that tell me that:

ZIP-based phar archives enabled
gzip compression enabled

Is this what I am looking for?

julia replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think those are the right ones. I think it's just "zip" that you need:

In the "Configure Command" part of your phpinfo, you should have this '--enable-zip' but I don't see it there.
wilddog replied on at Permalink Reply
OK. I will have to look into this in some detail.

I have managed to load two themes manually, but the third theme I bought does not seem to function at all, which is very frustrating. Probably have to get that theme refunded.
