Trouble Uploading Theme

I am new to Concrete5 and php. I have two themes that I purchased from ThemeForest unzipped and saved on my desktop. I have copied the necessay files to the Packages folder in the Concrete5 folder. When I go into Dashboard>Extend, there is nothing available under Awaiting Installation. When I go into my profile and project page, I can not choose to select anything.

I've read other forum questions and did not find anything that worked for me. One answer suggested liscensing. I'm hosting it with Concrete5.

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Are the themes you're trying to upload actual Concrete5 themes, or just standard HTML themes? If it's the latter, then it won't work.

Or, the other possible problem might be that you're not uploading the correct folder(s).

You can learn more about installing addons and themes here:
dschmitz replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thank you for responding! The themes stated Concrete5 on the purchase page and their instructions showcase uploading into Concrete (which is what I downloaded).

...\concrete5.6.2.1\packages\theme_mjsimple\themes (file path on my desktop)

I've read the page you enclosed and watched the video multiple times over the past two weeks and I still don't understand what I'm missing. I know the solution is probably really simple. This is where I think I am stuck: "On the project page you've made you should now have the ability to assign licenses to your project. Pick whichever add-ons & themes are for this site. When you look again at your Dashboard > Add Functionality page the list of add-ons on the right should update to reflect everything on your project page." This refers to adding themes directly from Concrete5's options.
The video shows a call to action to upload a liscence/add-on (see attached), but this does not display on my window. Is this because I am doing a trial demo?

Maybe the problem is ftp? Again the information found in forums was insufficient. We tried going through Dreamweaver, but to no avail.
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
I think some of the confusion on how to install is because most the tutorials are based on a purchase from the C5 Marketplace. Themes and add-ons purchased elsewhere can't be detected by your project page. This in itself is not a huge problem, but remember you'll also have to watch out for upgrades and do them manually as well as upgrade notices are typically a function of setting licenses through the Project page.

You mentioned you uploaded the unzipped contents you needed to the Package folder... did you upload the complete folder one level into your unzipped file? For instance, if I unzipped the theme Slate to my desktop it would appear as a folder named theme_slate. I would then open that desktop folder and upload via ftp (I use Filezilla with no problems)the next folder inside also named theme_slate to the packages folder on my C5 installation.
Most my manual uploads have been this way.

Hope this helps

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
dschmitz replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the help, Adrian!

I did upload the whole folder. We think we've narrowed it down to uploading/installing the themes. When we attempt to upload to an ftp, we get blocked. We've tried Fetch and Dreamweaver but get blocked with both. Do you know what the correct syntax is? We've been using
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
I just noticed I had overlooked the fact you are on a demo / trial site. Its likely you have limited access to it and this is your actual problem.
IF this is the case, I'm going to break my self imposed rule about advertising on this forum and recommend you look at the 30 day free trial at Arvixe through Concrete5's link at
It will give you full Cpanel access to make all this easier AND Concrete5 benefits if you like it and stay.
If I'm incorrect about your trial site access, feel free to PM me and I'll try to help you out directly.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |

(My apologies if I've offended anyone by recommending a hosting provider I am happy with. It is not my intention to advertise)
AliceTtr replied on at Permalink Reply

Just copy your theme to the /themes/ folder in the root.
ataylorusaf replied on at Permalink Reply
What was the fix? I'm having the exact same issue with the exact same template
dschmitz replied on at Permalink Reply
Originally, I was in a test version of Concrete5, which may have been one roadblock. When the trial was over, I switched to Arvixe for hosting. If I recall correctly, we uploaded the files to the ftp site of Arvixe. Arvixe had sent me an email with access information. Then, Concrete5 recognized the files and the files were awaiting installation.

So, to answer your question, upload the package to your host. If that doesn't work, let me know and I will try to recreate the steps I took. But, I think that was the key.