Unwanted space!

Im designing a theme in concrete5 and there is some unwanted space thats ben bugging me for some time now.

my page ishttp://www.maxito.no

its about 4px space between header and content section!

could someone help me with this ? =/

mdaasen replied on at Permalink Reply
i also want the header and footer to allways show at top and bottom. so i actualy want just the content area to scroll.

sould i set the header and footer to "position: absolute" then ?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
In your stylesheet, in the#head-bg section, change "height: 170px;" to "height: 165px;".

If you're not already familiar with Firebug, you should really install it and learn how it works -- it is an invaluable tool when trying to figure out layout issues such as these (you can click on areas of your page and it shows you the relevant html and styles, and you can edit the styles right there on the page and see the effect the changes have immediately, so it's really easy to do trial and error bug fixing like this).

Good luck!

mdaasen replied on at Permalink Reply
yes that did it! thanx! but the page is still scrollable...
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you want "position: fixed". I just googled for this and came up with this tutorial:

Also can try googling for "html sticky footer" (that's a very common technique -- the header is not so much I think).
mdaasen replied on at Permalink Reply
still the height is more than 100% and i cant get the menu to go to bottom of header without messing up the design... aint there some tutorials on doing such theme with 100% width header and footer + 100% height content ?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know of a concrete5-specific tutorial for this, but really this is a general HTML/CSS task, and has nothing to do with Concrete5 specifically. What I suggest is you build out the html OUTSIDE the cms -- just a static html and css page. There are probably zillions of tutorials out there for doing the layout that you want.
Get all of the style working, then once you have it the way you want, convert it to concrete5. Otherwise it's going to be really confusing as to what is a concrete5 problem vs. what's a general html/css problem.