Up-Grade Nightmare

I am having trouble with a site that I needed to upgrade. It is hosted on yahoo and backups, restores are impossible due to their restriction to 20Mb php memory. So I have to do everything manually... even their msqladmin will crap out and give me a blank screen if I don't SQL pieces-parts of the db dump.

Anyway. I think I've managed to get the site to and have been trying to make stepping upgrades (as I read this may help) to 5.6.0 and with any luck up to

This issue I have is that when I replace the core (5.6.0) and run through the upgrade script, everything in the dashboard looks fine but the pages give me an error saying that the default.php is missing (it is there). It more specifically says (and i know this is the big clue) "File /concrete/themes/mythemename/default.php not found. All themes need default...... etc etc."

So anyone have any idea why it would be looking in the core for my theme?

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I wonder if it's your environment cache?

Check for a file named /files/cache/environment.cache

You can safely delete that file as it will get automatically regenerated.

Best Wishes,
Chrouglas replied on at Permalink Reply
Bu why would that change from core version to core version? Ill give it a shot and let you know if it helps. Thanks
Chrouglas replied on at Permalink Reply
I have no file by that name in that directory. Is that new to 5.6.1 the environment cache is storedin the files folder? Is there somewhere else I should look for that file for my c5 version?
AliceTtr replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the Default Theme present in the /concrete/themes/ folder?
Chrouglas replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for response. Yes default themes is there. Including default.php and view.php
Chrouglas replied on at Permalink Reply
And just to clarify, it is looking for and not finding my theme and references it in the path. So I don't understand why it would be looking for anything in the core.
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
concrete5 first checks any override/top level directories before the core ones for files. If it doesn't find it in one of those it defaults to the core directory. That error likely just means it couldn't find the file. That said, maybe try in case you are running into a bug with 5.6.0

Best Wishes,