Concrete5 Customizable Theme styles
Hello, I have a pair of doubts:
1. If I have the same style repeated twice in my stylesheet, how can I create a customization field in C5 dashboard that modifies both syles?
2. When I submit a theme, if the theme works fine with IE, but the style is not 100% compatible -for example, with CSS3-, I have to check the checkbox of compatible or not?
Hope you've understood me.
Thank You very much.
Thank You!
1. If I have the same style repeated twice in my stylesheet, how can I create a customization field in C5 dashboard that modifies both syles?
2. When I submit a theme, if the theme works fine with IE, but the style is not 100% compatible -for example, with CSS3-, I have to check the checkbox of compatible or not?
Hope you've understood me.
Thank You very much.
Thank You!
Hi! Thank you for your answer.
I solved the css problems, there were incompatibilities with the CSS3 Pie (
Respect the number 1. (Customizable theme styles) I have to explain me better:
In a same class, I have a field named background-color: #E8970C; that is what I want to be customizable, but for IE the field is absolutely different:
So I want that when the user modifies the background-color also modify the -pie-background field. Is that possible?
About the question of compatibility chekboxes, yesterday korvin (I think) answered me in the chat that is only little things that don't appear in IE I have to check the checkbox.
Thank You!
I solved the css problems, there were incompatibilities with the CSS3 Pie (
Respect the number 1. (Customizable theme styles) I have to explain me better:
In a same class, I have a field named background-color: #E8970C; that is what I want to be customizable, but for IE the field is absolutely different:
-pie-background: linear-gradient /*here goes a lot of stuff non important*/ #E8970C;
So I want that when the user modifies the background-color also modify the -pie-background field. Is that possible?
About the question of compatibility chekboxes, yesterday korvin (I think) answered me in the chat that is only little things that don't appear in IE I have to check the checkbox.
Thank You!
1. Did you want to try the hover on the anchor tag?
#navbar ul li.nav-selected a:hover { /* style */ }
2. Which version of IE and what styles are being used that are not working?
3. You can always give both a common class name.
4. Not sure myself - I have not yet submitted a theme.
Kind regards, Steve