Windows IIS and auto unzipping
How do I set up C5 on IIS 7 so that my users don't have to manually download and install themes and add-ons?
I've installed zip, unzip, 7zip, gzip...put them in /usr/bin/unzip, chanted, danced and cursed to no avail. I've taken a look at base.php, archive.php and MakeThisWorkNow.php to no avail.
Here is the error (right out of archive.php):
There was an error unpacking your file. Perhaps you have not uploaded a valid zip file, or you do not have zip installed.
The file actually gets downloaded into files/tmp as a zip file and there it sits. When I double-click on it, it unzips.
I've installed zip, unzip, 7zip, gzip...put them in /usr/bin/unzip, chanted, danced and cursed to no avail. I've taken a look at base.php, archive.php and MakeThisWorkNow.php to no avail.
Here is the error (right out of archive.php):
There was an error unpacking your file. Perhaps you have not uploaded a valid zip file, or you do not have zip installed.
The file actually gets downloaded into files/tmp as a zip file and there it sits. When I double-click on it, it unzips.
Did that and it helped get the file unzipped. Then, I had other problems in copying the file so I made the following changes to file.php:
This works perfectly. Windows uses backslashes so I just had to make sure that file.php was using them, too.
//windows mod public function copyAll($source, $target, $mode = 0777) { $source = str_replace('/','\\',$source); //<-- take the passed $source and replace the front slashes with back slashes for windows compatibility $target = str_replace('/','\\',$target); //<-- take the passed $target and replace the front slashes with back slashes for windows compatibility if (is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($target, $mode); @chmod($target, $mode); $d = dir($source); while (FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || substr($entry, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } $Entry=str_replace('/','\\',$Entry); //<-- $Entry = $source . '\\' . $entry; //replaced forward slashed with back slashes for windows compatibility if (is_dir($Entry)) {
Viewing 15 lines of 28 lines. View entire code block.
This works perfectly. Windows uses backslashes so I just had to make sure that file.php was using them, too.
If you do change your php.ini, make sure you restart the web services from an elevated command prompt