Editing (v7+)

Add pdf file

I have a pdf file that I want to attach it on my website and provide a link, so clients may go in and print out the pdf file from their printer. Please tell me how to proceed it!

Page doesn't show on Sitemap

Hello guys (and girls), I've got a strange problem. A few weeks back I upgraded my concrete server to version Now I have the following problem: When I add a page to existing pages, I can edit it, and create the lay-out and such, but the page d…

Lost Edit Capabilities

Hey folks. Sorry to be a pain, but I loaded a theme and can't access any editing features. Can't log-in or out. Thanks in advance. Peace. Homer

can't get a new page to link properly from the main nav

I'm futzing around with a test site on a MAMP server. Its address is http://localhost:8888/rco_c5/ I added a new page to the main nav, so now my nav has 5 buttons: Home, About, Examples, Contact, Community Resources. I click on the new page's link i…

Loading Theme

here, i found loading theme for c5 dashboard. here is : http://ajaxload.info/ and, you can change it on [code] \concrete\images [/code] with filename [code] throbber_white_16.gif and throbber_white_32.gif [/code] you can change i…

Image Uploading

Hi. I'm relevantly new to the CC5 CMS! I'm trying to modify the site design and upload a new banner-design. The new banner dimensions are set to existing banner. I've tried uploading the image several times but the image just appears as .jpg with…


Is there an easy way to adjust the padding between different blocks when adding them in editing mode. If you for example want to put two slideshow blocks, the one under the other, and have a white space in between them - what would you do?

"Add to Main" on top

Would it be possible to have "add to main" on top of all entered blocks and not at the bottom as it is now? If yes, please how to do that ?

publishing pdf-files

I have tried to publish a few pdf-files on a site. The documents are published on http://bakkelandets-friskole.dk/fredagsbrev/. When following the link, the browser shows nothing, and the address bar shows http://bakkelandets-friskole.dk/index.php/downlo…

Highlighting selected page on auto-nav

Hi! I've been looking for an answer a while now and I seem not to find it. The problem: I have auto-navs and I'd like to have the selected page to be highlighted on navigation. Is it possible?

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