Editing (v7+)

upload images for use ith ecommerce add-on

Hi all, I am setting up my ecommerce poducts/service offerings and several of my services will require my clients to upload images so i can perform the service for them. I looked at customer choices options and thought i could just use a text box…

using paypal with ecommerce add-on

I have a Paypal busn account. How do i use paypal on my website with the ecommerce add-on??? Do I need to use the paypal Payment pro in paypal OR can I use the standard paypal option Would I use paypals system for creating their store paymen…

Can't edit blocks when links applied - Concrete5.8

I have a site that has been converted from an html site. When I insert the before the the link works but the block cannot be edited, instead of a green outline there is a white one around the block. What am I doing wron…

Error when trying to edit any page

Hi C5, When I try to put any page in EDIT mode, I get this error message: [code]An unexpected error occurred. An exception occurred while executing 'insert into Pages (cID, siteTreeID, ptID, cParentID, uID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTempla…

8.0.3: Workflow notifications not showing in "Waiting For Me"

With the exception of the Admin user, workflow notifications don't seem to be arriving in "Waiting For Me" (/dashboard/welcome/me). They do show up as an alert on the actual page pending approval/denial. When I repeat the same thing with, the …

Best Practice for Optimizing Images Already In Concrete

Hello, One of my websites has a many images and I'm wanting to reduce the page speed by optimizing my images. However, the files are located three directories deep and scattered. I know there has to be a better way than entering each director via FTP…

8.0.3 File Uploads Fail with Error

Dragging or choosing any file to upload results in error: Cannot redeclare mb_convert_encoding() (previously declared in /usr/share/concrete5/8.0.3/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap.php:19) Has anyone else encountered this? I suspect it's to do…

8.0.3 Image Block Constrain Image not Functioning

Whether it's a common theme with all the versions of 8 or just 8.0.3, I had a client site in 5.7.13 I just upgraded to 8.0.3 and everywhere I have a constrained image in a standard image block, the images resize but look jaggy in Chrome, Firefox, Safari a…

Changes not being saved when published

We have made multiple changes on 2 different sites which are both in 5.7. The changes that we make are visible in edit mode, and when saved and/or published are still visible while in edit mode. As soon as we log out and view the sites the changes are not…

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