Changes not being saved when published

We have made multiple changes on 2 different sites which are both in 5.7. The changes that we make are visible in edit mode, and when saved and/or published are still visible while in edit mode. As soon as we log out and view the sites the changes are not visible. It reverts to a previous version PLUS has the new version.

We have cleared the cache on different browsers and within Concrete5 multiple times. We talked to the web host and they said it is not a problem on their end. We have gone into cache permissions and changed the settings to the developer settings and still it doesn't keep the changes.

Anyone having this issue? We really need to update the site for a holiday menu.

2 Attachments

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you by chance editing things in Global Areas, or Stacks? These things need to be approved in the Dashboard -> Stacks & Blocks -> Stacks.
kkkesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
We are adding blocks to global areas. There were two buttons put into the nav bar by a third party (ChowNow) and we thought that we had deleted them. They are NOT there when we are in edit mode. We've have added blocks instead to a site-wide masthead right area. All three blocks show up in edit mode, but only 2 show up after it is saved and/or published, and the original buttons put in by the ChowNow people are are visible again.
kkkesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
This is the url - We DON"T want the white buttons in the nav bar to be there - that is what we have deleted and replaced.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you log in to the Dashboard -> Stacks & Blocks -> Stacks (use the dropdown in the upper right to access global areas) and see if the area is approved? If not you need to approve it.
kkkesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
You have saved us once again!! That worked. Is this new in 5.7?? It isn't enough to save your changes, you also have to go here every time you make a change in a block?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
No, this is not new to 5.7, but it is a bit more fickle in 5.7 than it was in 5.6. You will have to go here to approve changes to Global Areas.