Editing (v7+)

Blog Entry entered twice

I want to remove a blog entry that was mistakenly entered twice and don't know where to go. Thanks!

Error when saving content block

I am wondering if anyone has seen this error? I have a number of sites on a specific host and get this error ( see attached images) when trying to save a content block. This is happening on all versions of C5, both 5.7 and 5.6 which means that every sit…

member editing display

When I add user attributes I am able to change the order as I like. This order is displayed correctly when viewing the member record, but when editing the member record, the attributes are displayed randomly. Does anyone know how I can ensure that the a…

Mobile log-in doesn't work

Hello dear All, My website works fine on a pc, but on the mobile em you press "entrar" to log-in it move to a page similar to the real one but which doesn't let the user log-in. http://artab.pt/ Can you please help? Tks

URL Preview before going Live

Hi, I'm new to Concrete5 and working on some web updates over several days with a launch date in the near future. I know I can go into Edit mode, make the necessary changes, and click Save Changes, which will Save them for admin users to approve or unt…

Removing a custom style css line manually

Good day everybody, I have a question about a "custom" style in my navigation bar. I tried to reset the styles to default, but on my homepage for some rease the background color of my navigation bar keeps being colored custom. It is concerning th…

Header Navigation - Edit mode error

dashboard/blocks/stacks/view_global_areas I was editting Global Navigation Header, I made some changes and I am facing following error. An unexpected error occurred. Call to a member function display() on a non-object

Sender mail from Formidable Form after submitting

Hie, i try to find where to change, the information sending to the user after submitting his form, unfortunately, i don't find where it is.... the form page is here : http://www.afravih.org/index.php/Adhesion/ I tried on formidable dashboard, nothi…

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