Editing (v7+)

Exlude "Home" from homepage ONLY!?

How should I exclude the "Home" page from the homepage auto-nav only? Also, how to copy the header and footer styles only to other pages, but retain their body attributes (i.e. global header/footer)?

Advanced: Create & Use Your Own Grid Framework - not in package

How to create this idea without package (regular theme). Where to put the " Grid Framework PHP Class" and what i need to wrote inside "page_theme.php" http://documentation.concrete5.org/developers/designing-for-concrete5/adding-grid-support-to-your-th…

What can I put inside the footer area for SEO ?

Dear all, my theme has a sidebar-page-template, but below the sidebar-area, there is no full width area to allow to put more stuff in, except the page footer area. Will stuff put inside that footer area be fully recognized by search engines ? It seems I c…

Navigation Menu Background

I'm trying to change the background colour of an autonav ('Responsive Header Navigation' template) in the gobal Sitewide Header Navigation area of a default installation of, using the Theme Customise setting. However, the colour never changes. I'm…

Blog Permissions

I'm trying to set up a simple permission system so that members of a particular user group ('Bloggers') can add and edit pages of type 'Blog entry', but do nothing else. To allow any editing at all, it seems that the group has to be given 'edit access' in…

Tiny Mci & interfering CSS code 5.6.3

Within a Stack I have a HTML block containing a table with associated css within the block. The line: tr td:hover { background: #c7005a; color: #FFF; } that colours the cells on mouseover is causing that same background colour to appear when I use Tiny …

Uploading APK file

I have a mobile app APK file which I would like to share with users of my site. Could anyone tell me how I would upload this ?

Selectively load Javascript c5 ver 5.6

Hi, I am theming using ver 5.6 and would like to selectively load css and js that is load certain js script & file and css only on certain page or page types. Can anybuddy tell me how to achieve this the correct way. Thanks dk

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