Editing (v7+)

Table missing in mysql?

Hi C5 community, I am trying to edit the image slider that comes with my theme, Brimstone. I get this as an error when trying to as an image "An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT path FROM FileImageThumbnailPaths p WHERE (p.fileID = ?) AND …

writing of character

how to add a new writing of character font in the editor other than the one that exists because I want to add one of my favorite font can someone help me

"Edit Block" Not Showing in Edit Mode on 1 page of Website

There's one page on my website refusing to be edited. If I roll the mouse over any and all of the content blocks on this one page, while in edit mode, the "edit block" option does not show up. Additionally, when "Page Footer" (for instance) shows up, I…

hung after property edit

Concrete5 version: it seems that on the page to be edited, without putting the page in edit mode, if you go directly to "page properties" and make changes, then when you save you get the spinning icon and the page is stuck until it is refreshed…

Cloning a page does not work on my site

Step 1 * In the sitemap flat view I drag the page I want to duplicate to where I want the new page to be.. Step 2 * I select "Copy {myoldpage} beneath {mynewparent}" If I now view the page I get a concrete5 404 Error "Page not found" Is this bro…

What is going on with my first block?

Running Blocks are all styled "box" through the design editor and have the following code: [code].box { text-align: center; position:relative; height: 235px; width: 235px; top: -306px; margin: 40px; backgr…

Make a change in global area

I want to change the copyright date in the footer of www.ewarenow.com. I get this message when I try to edit it. This block is contained within a global area. Changing its content will change it everywhere that global area is referenced. I cannot fig…

Add flexBog grid support to "page-list' block

"Custom templates" are great but in "page-list" its little difference because a lot of times you want the same Style & CSS but in other layout (1/5 layout, 1/2, 1/1 and so on). I have an idea to add "flex-box" grid (control layout, gutter, and so on i…

Side by side

I need two blocks to appear side by side in a global area since I can't add layouts to global areas. For example, I need the social links to say "Follow Us" before displaying the social links box all on one line. Any help is much appreciated.

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