Editing (v7+)

"Access Denied" for all usernames, including admin

I've been trying to edit our page under every administrator username we have. All the usernames are correct and we are able to login. They are showing up under administrator list with full rights. However, everything we try to edit is coming up as Access …

Changing background color/backgound image has no effect

Brand new C5 user here. We're using version 5.6 I'm just trying to change the background color of the Sitewide Site Name, or put a background image on the Sitewide site name. I think I know how to do it, but my changes never appear. I've attached a …

Storing Config Values

I've been trying to set Config values using Config::set() and I find this does not store the value in the database. Config::get() and Config::set() seem to be used only for single-session configurations, they have to be set each session otherwise they wil…

Template change dosen't work

Hi I did a new template in my project. For the existing page I change some design for the new template. But unfortunately the content from the template is nor showing. Still the old template content is there. How can I change that? Thanks

TextBox Value Before Submission

I have a registration form in Concrete5 but beforehand I need to retrieve the User Attributes. I'm using hidden input to get the values as so: [code]

MX and/or other DNS records

My employer had a website created with concrete5 (insightsintervention.com). I was hired to create a WordPress.com page with the same content. My final task is to map this old domain to our new WP one. I am completely lost and am in no way familiar with c…

MX and/or other DNS records

My employer had a website created with concrete5 (insightsintervention.com). I was hired to create a WordPress.com page with the same content. My final task is to map this old domain to our new WP one. I am completely lost and am in no way familiar with c…

Huge Delays Sending Emails via Concrete5

Hi, I've set my registration up so that when a user registers, they must validate their email address through a link. However, this email takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour to arrive? And sometimes not at all, although I can see it in the logs?…

Editing Problems

Hi. I've never used Concrete5 before but have been 'given' a website (the original developer is no longer contactable) to attempt to edit. I can login and when I click edit page on the home page I get red bordered blocks of text which are clickable and …

Issues organizing photos

Was wondering how you reposition, resize photos individually and in the photo slider? Also with our photo slider I was wondering how could I move the photo from the back to the front (see attachment)

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