Huge Delays Sending Emails via Concrete5


I've set my registration up so that when a user registers, they must validate their email address through a link.

However, this email takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour to arrive? And sometimes not at all, although I can see it in the logs?

Any ideas how to speed up this process?

Kind Regards,


StefSmeers replied on at Permalink Reply
Is this email being send trough php mailer or via the email server of your webhosting?

- Stef
drm92 replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess im just using the default one as I havent messed around with any mail settings yet
StefSmeers replied on at Permalink Reply
Then you are most likely using the PHP mail function. The company where you are hosting your website is probably the issue of the delay. I recommend you to get in touch with the hosting company you are using. They will fix the issue if it is their server which is causing the issue. Or they may analyze what is happening exactly in your script to find out what is causing this issue.

Please let me know wheter or not your problem is resolved.

- Stef