Editing (v7+)

Cannot edit - Edit button and Dashboard header disappeared

I was trying to format data in columns in html mode in a content block. Now the Concrete5 header with the edit site and also the dashboard buttons has disappeared. Also I cannot select any of the blocks or edit anything to do with the site. It was worki…

Weird Window Alert when Saving Sitemap Property Changes

In C5 there is a weird windows alert that pops up when saving property changes in the sitemap (full and flat). One of the alerts says The page at (domain name) says {"rel":"SITEMAP","name":"Test","cID":"123"} Might happen else where bu…

Where can i find API KEY

I have installed API block and i cannot find API key that is in profile page Has anyone know that? "API Basics This api provides responses in json. All api requests require a key to use. You can find this key in your profile page. You are limited …

All 'basics' system pages load with blank screens

Hi all, Got a weird problem here... All pages under 'Systems & Settings' / Basics load up correctly with the correct backgrounds and menu bar except there is no content on the page... This only occurs in pages within the Basics settings and I can acces…

TinyMCE Paste as Plain Text as default

I have some customers that are DRIVING me nuts and they won't use the "Paste as Plain Text" button when they paste from MS Word. How can I set my TinyMCE Editor to by default paste as plain text ... so my users don't have to click the button. Yes I …

hot to delete Basic bootstrap theme dropdown menu

Hello guys. My website is still in progress, and i have a problem with my dropdown menu. I just want to delete it. it only shows when i get on specific few pages(for now) i just want to delete it "globaly" because i dont like it. link to my page w…

Missing Layout Content

I am having a problem with some content not being displayed when I preview the page. I have attached 2 screenshots, the first shows the preview, the second shows the missing content (Recent News)in Edit mode. If I put something in the Fullwidth 1column la…

SlideShow: Opening in a new window

I regularly use the slideshow feature on my website, each linked with a different (external) URL. I would like an option to have that link open in a NEW WINDOW rather than the same window. Is this possible?

Listing URLs for multiple files

Is it possible to fetch URLs for a list of selected files in the file manager? One of my duties is posting a bunch of PDFs to the site then sending the links to someone - when there's many files, the process is pretty tedious.

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