Editing (v7+)

How to find page type associated with a page?

Hi, I'm using v5.5.2, and have created a few page types that are very similar. I need to find out what page type an existing page is using so that I don't edit the wrong one. However, I can't find it anywhere, either from editing the page itself or thr…

Performance: Multiple Blocks vs Stacks

I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what the performance difference is between copying a block and using it multiple times throughout a site (ie a "back to top" link) versus creating a stack and placing that multiple times throughout a site. …

HTML and site view not matching up

Hi we are currently building a site using the Alpha Formigo theme. However a few strange things have been happening. We have inserted a universal footer but for some pages this footer is replacing the "contact us" box with different information. De…

ö in text, not saving content block

I had the strangest thing ever. My cliënt had written a blog in MS Word. She pasted the text in a content block and after save block was empty. I did the same for her, also an empty block. Pasting the text first in texteditor, changed it to plain text and…

External link in navigation

Hi, I'm new to concrete5 and taken over an existing site. In the navigation there is one tab item that currently links to an internal page which then points them to a shopping cart built externally. They want to cut this step out so that when you clic…

Centering a YouTube Block

Hello. Does anyone know how to center a YouTube block? I don't see an option and it looks a little off on my page as it is hugging the left side of the page. Thank you for your help!

Block Editing problem

Hi, when I want to edit a block I have a big space between my content and my selection see below :

pagetypes unresponsive

Hi- I seem to be having my share of problems with the install of C5 I am using. Overall, tweaks are unresponsive. Currently I am trying to experiment with page types. I am using plain yogurt theme, and want to try out left sidebar page type (or any other …

Can't write any css rules anymore...

Hi, I can't understand what happened today, I can't use my classes and id; and the css in browsers is weird. I use Chrome for editing, but the same is in Safary too. I know css well and until today writing the rules was easy. Only thing I did today was t…


Is there a way to display all logged in users avatar on the dashboard. I admin a site that has a number of logged in users and it would be nice to see, at a glance, who is online.. Thanks Bob

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