Editing (v7+)

my website only works when I am logged in

My website only works when I am logged in. When I enter the url into the browser the page that appears is not my home page but a Concrete5 splash type page. I can log in and edit the site like usual but it seems like it is locked to the public for some …

How to delete Sitewide Slideshow and make in non-global?

Hi there! First I wonna say im a noob and this will be my first Website at all. I implemented a Theme (Schoolbus) to my Site. The Stache on the top right is "Sitewide Slideshow". Problem for me is that it shows the same Content over all Subdoma…

AdOn Wanted - Articles Showcase (Image Gallery / Digital Asset)

Hello, I am looking for a Adon - Image gallery and digital asset type to eg To present items on a site. It must be possible for multiple items per web page. Per item or multiple images per lightbox or not. And there must be an arbitrarily large numb…

Cannot move edit delete blocks in edit mode

I have added this javascript as html block var CCM_DISPATCHER_FILENAME = '/index.php'; var CCM_CID = 1; var CCM_EDIT_MODE = false; var CCM_ARRANGE_MODE = false; var CCM_IMAGE_PATH = "/concrete/images"; var CCM_TOOLS_PATH = "/index.php/tools/requ…

Adding blog post with composer

i have a blog running on one site, now i need to add blog to another site so i created a new page type and included it in composer. i can add new post from the composer but the them applied to the newly creted pages is for the first blog and not for the n…

permission to only edit

i have permissions set to edit block, but the user can still copy to clip board, design, and layout. can i make it so they can only edit the existing blocks and nothing else.

My SItewide image is not displaying for users that are not logged in

Hi, When I log out of my site the sitewide image disappears. So in effect, when a guest comes across the site they do not see the website banner. All that is left at the top of the page are the Nav bars that are normally situated above and under the i…

Custom Form code to submit

I have already made modal popups working on my site using some code i made in my theme. The problem is i want to add a form to this to submit data to my concrete5 forms. I have tried examining the code for a form a i made on another page but didn't work. …

Cannot Edit a User (Member)

After our upgrade from 5.5.x to 5.6.0 to, it looks like the interface on the Edit User screen got messed up. We no longer have the Edit User button so I can assign people to groups, etc. I am going to do some research on any CSS files that migh…

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