Editing (v7+)

Error Accessing File Manager

Entity of type 'Concrete\Core\Entity\User\User' for IDs uID(0) was not found (0) The C5 log shows: Exception Occurred: /home/USERNAME/public_html/updates/concrete5-8.4.3/concrete/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityNotFoundException.php:47 Enti…

Large video file uploads

Hi There. My sincere apologies if this is wrong forum but I didn't see an "Issues" forum.. anyways...I've uploaded a large mp4 video (400MB+) and is having issues when "importing" it via the file manager. I don't know what it's doing to the file oth…

Adding blocks doesn't work as expected

Dear Devs and Users I just wanted to dive into learning concrete5 and followed the "Converting an HTML Template to a conc5 Theme" Tutorial by concrete5 on youtube. First of all: I have to say, this is awesomely simple and I like this very much especial…

Editing the Header

I attached a screenshot of the header that our site is using. I'm new to Concrete5 (of course) and am looking to remove the "European Inquiries" link. Id also like to remove the vertical blue line in the nav bar so that it looks more like the left and cen…

Editing Tools Missing

I had built my site with the Elemental theme. Recently, I've started working with the Stucco theme. While editing one of my pages, I accidentally closed the window. I had changed the theme to Stucco, but had not yet saved it. I even opened another block a…

8.4.3 and php 7.2

Hey, the problem again :) Our webhost made a php update to 7.2 and now site goes broken if i clear cache. something to advise? Thanks.

Ordering of form fields in email

Using the standard form to create a couple of contact forms with the following (in this order) Your Name Email Address Subject Message In the system > reports, the order is showing as above, but the email version that's sent to the owner is in a …

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