Editing (v7+)

Paginate blocks?

There's a page on a car club website that I manage that links to individual pages showing members' cars (http://www.mgabingdon.co.uk/index.php/photo-gallery/awc-members-cars/). It's getting a bit long now and I'd like to have the page automatically pag…

Different pages shown for the same domain

I have a domain that is using concrete5, and I am experiencing the following issue: When I visit the domain using the url, "http://website.com" I am getting a different page than I am getting when visiting the domain using the url, http://www.website…

Page is redirecting to one that no longer exists

Maybe I've screwed things up with multiple URLs and aliases, but I don't understand what's happening. I had a page that was a child of another and I created an additional URL that would go from the root (so someone wouldn't have to type a long path). A…

flexpaper in concrete5

hi everybody I am new in concrete5 and want to use flexpaper to view pdf files in my website built in concrete5. I pay thanks in advance to whom who guide me Regards Shahbaz Khan

Tweaking the User Profile page

Hello people! Here is a screenshot of the problem I want to tackle today: http://i.imgur.com/ndlI4.png I've added a user attribute called 'About Me' so that users can talk a little about themselves over there. Problem is that the text is in 'paragra…

Gradient not working

The gradient I have setup is not working in IE. It works in both Firefox and Chrome/Safari. Any ideas? Link to site: http://test.simleyfootball.com/ Here is my code. template code: [code]

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