Different pages shown for the same domain

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I have a domain that is using concrete5, and I am experiencing the following issue:

When I visit the domain using the url, "http://website.com" I am getting a different page than I am getting when visiting the domain using the url,http://www.website.com.

Why would this be? The url, that does not include the www gets a "This site is currently down for maintenance" page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please advise. Thank you in advance.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the actual url of your site?
ConcreteCatalyst replied on at Permalink Reply
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I see the issue. I think it is an .htaccess problem. I know Dreamhost has settings about what to do with site.com verseshttp://www.site.com. Im not sure about your server though. Have you contacted tech support there?
ConcreteCatalyst replied on at Permalink Reply
The hosting provider which is "dot5hosting" said it is a concrete issue. Any ideas of what I can try?
ConcreteCatalyst replied on at Permalink Reply
Any ideas as to what I can try. Can I try to edit my .htaccess file ?
ConcreteCatalyst replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Ok I figured it out. I needed to clear cache in System Settings. Thank you for the your input it is appreciated.