Editing (v7+)

Umlauts in filenames?

Is there a way to force Concrete5 to keep German Umlauts in filenames while uploading or importing files from the incoming folder? The reason is, that i want to have speaking filenames for PDFs downloadable via download lists (where no custom link text …

Dashboard disappears/Reappears

I have finally installed my "Sue" theme and got it going. But the dashboard disappears on me even though I am stilled logged in. Is there not a button/link for getting into the dashboard? How can I get to the dashboard-yes I am definitely logged in a…

Adding a drop-shadow to white text

I have tried to follow several tutorials about modifying the typography.css file, etc., but I'm having no luck. :( I'd like to use this "Readable White Text" style with Concrete5, but I am at a loss on how to do so: http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/00…

Upload Multiple problem in FireFox

When I try to add files using the upload multiple finction in FireFox, it will not detect image files in any folders on my pc. this function was working up until about a week ago. I'm not sure, but it seems that the dropdown to select file types has chang…

Delete blocks

Hi, I created a fresh installation of C5 ( using the example blog site. All ticks are green before running the installation. On this site I can edit the home page, add blocks, but not delete the new added blocks. Can this be a file or data…

Frustrated with changing things

Most of the online help seems to deal with adding things and not so much editing items that already exist. But adding can also be difficult. For example, changing the existing "Links" sidebar of the about page on the Greek Yogurt theme design. When you…

Layout issues

I am using a standard layout/theme. I copy a page then edit the new page. Hit refresh and the layout goes nuts. Hit refresh, it changes again (Column widths change, header background goes to 50% wide etc.). Publish it and it changes yet again. All I have …

Random Image Won't Go Away

I finally have a very juvenile site up. Not pretty or fancy, but it's there. Here's the problem. When I first designed the pages, I removed the Site-wide Header Nav. I like it that way. A few hours later, I decided to try it a different way so I put a …

All pages with identical nav structure

Hi, I am trying to create a site of which all pages have an identical Hearder Nav structure consisting of a Superfish menu system. How does one enforce the nav structure to be identical on all pages? Is that done with CSS of somelikes? Great to hea…

Print css file needed??

I would like to print page as is. I like the way it looks. No button or page.css sheet used. http://www.ekimeibor.com/conc/tenant-interiors/ But my 'tnspacer' add-on is coded as grey and does not print. I would like the bars to print as grey or w…

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