Editing (v7+)

Remove sidebar with zenlike theme

Hi all, Am I missing something here? There are 3 pagetypes when I create a new page type. Left, right, and none. Most pages, i want the ride sidebar there there is one page that I want to create an image gallery in and after selecting the no sidebar pa…

Page list preview not enabled... problem

hi, I had a page list for my first page on my old version without internationalization My blog posts previews were working since internationalization installed, I can see my blog posts, but without any preview like before... any ideas? thanks


masih bingung uy

Slideshows Disappears when I log out

When I create a slide show using virtually any slideshow available including the one that comes from Concrete5, the slide show disappears when I log out as admin.

change content of submit button

I am attempting to change the content of a submit button I am using for a contact form I can access inspect element for the form, and locate the html and div post, etc, but whenever I try to make my changes, in the value field i cannot make it stick. …

some kind of huge spanner

Hi, my concrete5 web site (www.rooftopsmedia.co.nz) seems to have an issue. It shows an unnervingly large error message when I try to go into it. Specifically: mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cIsActive' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Page…

Display more than 10 users by default

Hi How do I list more than 10 users in the user search/list in the administration by default? I would like to list 500 by default Thanks

Edit Button has disappeared!!!

After upgrading to the 5.1 concrete, on some pages with the utilizing the eCommerce add-on; the edit bar appears on top, but there are no buttons to click such as (edit, dashboard, etc). Anyone have any ideas?

HELP! Teaching a class to beginners TONIGHT....(Site Name issue)

...and I am having the problem that with all themes except Yogurt, that it is not possible to change the HEADER SITE NAME without going into the code. Since these are beginners, I want to avoid this (that is why i chose C5 to teach). The older version was…

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