some kind of huge spanner
Hi, my concrete5 web site ( seems to have an issue. It shows an unnervingly large error message when I try to go into it.
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cIsActive' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.cPointerID,......
Any idea what the problem could be and how it could be solved?
I was trying to perform a back-up through the dashboard when it happened
I have discovered other forum posts that may possibly be about the same thing but I am having trouble understanding the replys/possible fixes that are attached to them.
Cheers! Davian (trying to keep calm)
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cIsActive' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.cPointerID,......
Any idea what the problem could be and how it could be solved?
I was trying to perform a back-up through the dashboard when it happened
I have discovered other forum posts that may possibly be about the same thing but I am having trouble understanding the replys/possible fixes that are attached to them.
Cheers! Davian (trying to keep calm)
One possibility is that the table has become corrupted, though I don't have any idea how a backup could have done that, even if a backup failed it should only be reading such tables.
If you have phpMyAdmin, you could try browsing to see if the table is there and if it is damaged. You could also try an automated repair of the table through phpMyAdmin.
Do you have an older backup? As you can't get into the site, the backups live in (I think) /files/backups/. You may be able to restore that via phpMyAdmin.
Before doing any of that, you could also use phpMyAdmin to make a new backup. I know it will be a backup of rubbish, but at least it is a known state, so you will know that any of the above can be recovered if they make it worse.