Editing (v7+)

Collection:getCollectionTypeID() undefined in dashboard

I've installed a copy of a developed C5 site onto localhost (XAMPP). When I click "Dashboard," I get some unstyled markup (there is no header in the markup output), and it ends in the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Collection:…

Slideshow - Change duration settings

Hi! In the slideshow block, there is a field named "Duration". I want to be able to set duration in milliseconds instead of seconds. An example: I want a slide to last 0.4 seconds. If I set the field to 0.4, 0,4, .4 it´s back to 0 when I open the b…

Youtube block disappearing when i change the youtube clip

I had five separate blocks with five youtube clips showing on a page. When i click on the youtube block and click enter i get a window allowing me to paste in a new youtube video url to replace the old one. When i then click save and publish etc the blo…

getting rid of site name

I am totally new at this website game, but I am trying to leave the site name at the top of the page blank. I found out how to do it on the forums, but I don't know how to get to the "code" section of a theme or the site. I am using the "dark chocolate"…

spell checker

I'm sure there is spell checker capability in the Concrete5 editing but I haven't found it. Can someone help me?

spell checker

I'm sure there is spell checker capability in the Concrete5 editing but I haven't found it. Can someone help me?

Can't Change Password

I can't find a change password link anywhere and when I type in index.php/login/change_password, it gives me the following errors: Warning: Missing argument 1 for LoginController::change_password() in /home/sunbeam/IDG2H4K8/htdocs/projects/concrete-5/c…

How do I get a forward slash into a menu?

Hi folks, I hope someone can help. The css menu I have designed uses a coloured forward slash to visually separate each menu item (see attached file). Can anyone tell me how to achieve this effect in concrete5? I don't have a clue where I would add th…

seraching problem

hi i still dont know how to make the search work good.. when i search in english its find me one result which is ok because i have only one page with the keyword i searched but when i search in hebrew the results are all the pages in the site, coul…

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