Editing (v7+)

View file not downlod file.

I have race results to post on a club website that are text documents. I'd like members to be able to look at them on the website without downloading anything. An example of this can be seen at http://myweb.cableone.net/searl/RacesCombine/2010%20YB/20…

Advice upgrading to UPDATE

trying to upgrade my websites is proving to be impossible. Firstly the download update button that appears in the dashboard doesn't work for ANY of my sites. I either get an error or a blank white page. Secondly when I do it the old fashioned way ac…

Question on floating area

Hey all, relatively new to C5 and so far I'm loving it. I have a quick question. We have installed an SSL cert on the site I'm working on. I know I can use the HTML block to paste the html code for the site seal into, but that places it in a static area a…

How to find image URL's for image in editor?

When editing a content block, one can add an image either directly in the editor by clicking on the respective icon/button or through the link "Add image" in the let's call it concrete5 bar. While the later, allows for selecting an image from the File …

Setup Permission to the file manager for user group

Hi, I would like to know how I can set permission to a "user group" to access the file manger ? Because I setup permission to basic access to pages for editing the pages but they don't have access to the file manager. They can edit and add pages th…

Exclude/include from nav

Hello. I'm creating some pages in a C5 installation, that I want to be excluded from nav in general but included for specific logged in user groups. Is there an easy solution for this? Best regards Henrik

Website areas not editable by way of programming

I hired a programmer to make a website in Concrete5 for me. I have a decent knowledge of it and was excited that I would be able to take command of the website after it was made. But in the center of my website are areas that are not blocks and not edit…

When editing home page, 2 blocks disappear

Hi to everybody, I'm having a boring problem for my home page at www.manimanteatro.it Every time I edit the page (ie. I add "main" blocks or modify them) the 2 blocks on top right and left disappear. I have to re-enter edit mode and add them again. …

Advanced Permissions Admin setting Not enabling Admin

On a 5.4.1 site with Advanced Permissions enabled I created a group and then in the home page Permissions edit set that group up to have permission to do everything, including Admin. But a user in that group does not see the dashboard/admin. Am I mi…

display first subpage of an pagelist

I would like to display the first subpage when I click on a link in a pagelist. I tried to use the attribute with the handle: replace_link_with_first_in_nav But it seems this only works in an auto-nav-block. How could I archieve the same with an pagel…

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