View file not downlod file.

I have race results to post on a club website that are text documents. I'd like members to be able to look at them on the website without downloading anything. An example of this can be seen at

The way my site is set up now we have to download. I'd like to avoid that.

jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, that link isn't actually a text document, it's a html document. So to replicate that on a Concrete5 site, just add a content block to your page and put your information in there...

montanaloft replied on at Permalink Reply
I add the text file to my content block as a hyperlink and as a .txt file and still asking me to download the file not view.

Thank you for your help.

guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply
What he means is you need to open up the text document, hit "Ctrl-A" to select all the contents, "Ctrl-C" to copy the contents. Then go add a Content block to your website. Click into the area you would type and press "Ctrl-P" to paste the contents from the other file onto your website.

Looking at the text file, I'm not sure how pretty it is going to be though.
montanaloft replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

In the past I've been using FrontPage. When I make a hyperlink there to a text file, when someone clicks on it, it opens to a fresh page as an html file with no need to download it. With Concrete5 I don't understand how I can do this. If I hyperlink to the text file and the file is stored in the file manager it comes up with an option of opening or downloading. We just want to view them. Am I going to have to create a new page for every text document that I want to display as htm, or is there anyway to display automatically?

I am attaching the file for you to see, also the link for you to see the only options it is giving us now.

Thank you for your help.
Just got some info that the view_inline will help display my text file ,but
how do you achieve the " view_inline" for each text file. I have about100+ text file to do.

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
Well check your .htaccess to make sure your not forcing downloads. However I have a feeling c5 automatically does that.

One thing you might want to consider is manually uploading it to your server....