Editing (v7+)

Slide Show Dash - showing up in top left corner

I may be only one who runs in to this, but maybe not. Whenever I start adding images to a slideshow and link them, a dash "-" shows up in the top left corner of the slideshow. It hovers over the images as they rotate. I have already found the fix t…

TinyMCE ignoring partially ignoring typography.css

Hi! My TinyMCE is doing something funny: it applies the styles specified in typography.css within the editor and they are being displayed on the page. But TinyMCE only rarely shows the styles in the "Styles" Drop-down in TinyMCE, I know it worked, becau…

Help on Single Page..

I go through the concret5 single page concept.. i have some doubts. In documentation it is said the it is a page that will use only particular time (only once). but i heard that it is same as the module concept in the Zend framework. If it is right i didn…

image resizing with css or jquery

Hi everyone! i'm looking for an automatic image resizer. I found this block http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/zoom_image wich basically do what i'm looking for, but only for 1 image per block, and in a precise block. For the client/ow…

Nav and adding page to the Menu HELPPPPP

The the header nav it comes with *Home *About *Search I have figured out how to change the names of the pages but how do I add more main pages? It keeps making a sub category. I feel so dumb haha can someone help?

Simple Premissionquestion I hope.

I have a list of pages that I enter info into but dont want the guest to be able to veiew them, but I do want them to show up in my page list on the home page. If I change the view premission to uncheck, then it also does not show in the page list block?

Site Name does not update

Hi people, I'm building a DEMO site for a (potential) client, with the yogurt theme. Therefor I want to change the site name in 'their name DEMO'. I've changed it in the dashboard, but the name will not update in the top of the page. It does update in th…

Image H & V Space

In the content block, I know there is a way to get the images H space and V space displayed in the editor. See the image attached.... I want to be able to set via the editor '10 left, 10 top'. I've done it before, but I've forgotten, so hoping so…

Google Map

I installed Google Maps on my Mac computer and it works fine. It works on Windows in a virtual environment (Parallels), but it wont work on another computer running Windows. I receive this error: This site needs a different Google Maps API Key. I got a…

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