Editing (v7+)

IMPORTANT Usability Question for Core Team

I am pitching for a site where quote: "ensuring that people using assistive technologies or alternative browsing devices can use the website" I was wondering what kind of technologies are inherent in Concrete 5, (or addons) that could fulfill these …

Search results - how to control what is displayed

Is there any docs to show what gets displayed in the search results? I get good search results - i.e. the pages listed have the search terms in them, but the short text from the page isn't always relevant. Is there a way to choose what gets displayed? …

Caption not showing up in image

Hello I'm new to C5 and have just taken over a site to look after. I'm doing OK except for one thing. I have a page of reviews which is created by image blocks. I can add a new block and see the image, which links to it's child page with no problem.…

Missing sitemap!

I had an upgrade to the latest version, then I had to go back to Now I see that sitemapis missing from my dashboard. Its says theat "Page nt found" What I should do to get it back? Kindly give me suggestions, since it is very urgent for me. …

Multilingual Site

I found a couple discussions about having a site with multiple languages, and even saw something about concrete supporting that in the future.. Does anyone know what the status of that is? I am hoping to have something where someone can choose their la…

Pages with pending approval aren't displayed on live site?

I set up a group called "contributors" that has permission to edit pages, but not to approve them. Ideally, they make their changes, and an admin will approve them. This part works fine, what I need clarification on is what happens during the period the…

Upload Image problem no thumbnail is created

Hi there, I am trying to upload a jpeg through the file manager. All I get is the upload "processing" (with the spinney logo) and nothing else hapeens. I click away from the file manager to [say] "sitemap" go back to the file manager and the image…

Recurring fatal error ('ADODB...)

Dear experts, I am creating my first Concrete5 project, and I have a problem: Whenever I want to save any modified 'Content' block, I get the following error: There is more, but I figured this would be enough. If I close the window without…

Form without question?

Hi all I need to add a form without a first question, but with two options able for marking as answers. Look at www.c-ex-c.org/dev_lanz As you can see, there's a form on the right side. I want the top two options to be on the entire width of the…

error message

hello, any idea why I receive this error message when using the superfish menu http://www.awtndatastorage.com/skitch2//4Sprung_web_development____Home-20100421-163333.png

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