Pages with pending approval aren't displayed on live site?
I set up a group called "contributors" that has permission to edit pages, but not to approve them. Ideally, they make their changes, and an admin will approve them. This part works fine, what I need clarification on is what happens during the period the page is waiting to be approved by an admin.
If I have an "About Us" page that's already created and on the live site, and then a contributor makes a change to it, it seems that the page is then no longer available on the live site. My thought would be that the last approved version would remain on the site during this waiting period - but that does not seem to be the case. Can anyone offer any clarification if I am missing something or is this by design?
If I have an "About Us" page that's already created and on the live site, and then a contributor makes a change to it, it seems that the page is then no longer available on the live site. My thought would be that the last approved version would remain on the site during this waiting period - but that does not seem to be the case. Can anyone offer any clarification if I am missing something or is this by design?
That seems to be true if you make changes to a block within an area on a page, but what I have found is if you have any custom attributes set up, and someone without approval privileges modifies an attribute, it will remove it from the live site until it is approved. Have you experienced that behavior?
EDIT: Upon further investigation, the page with the pending changes - whether it be to an attribute, or to a block on the page - is not removed from the live site, but if that page is being pulled in via a Page List block on any page, it disappears from there until it is approved - do you follow?
EDIT: Upon further investigation, the page with the pending changes - whether it be to an attribute, or to a block on the page - is not removed from the live site, but if that page is being pulled in via a Page List block on any page, it disappears from there until it is approved - do you follow?
iv seen this as well, i think its a bug
Good catch.
I understand this issue now.
I understand this issue now.
Do we know if this bug has been fixed in 5.4.1? I can't see anything in the changelog
It's in there: "Page in preview mode not displayed in page list on live site"
It doesn't appear this way if you're logged in.
I would recommend opening a different (as in different program / incognito mode / private mode /etc) browser and visiting the page - you'll see that it is the previously version until you approve the edits - at which time it will update.