I'm a newbie, so hopefully these are easy questions. First, I have version and I use Firefox on a MacBook. Second, my site is: nanocrit.c5host.com. It is an online academic magazine. My two questions:
1. I want to add to the top menu which in m…
Hello, I'm porting a site over to C5 (my first). The autonav is working well for most of the navigation except one portion of the navigation on the old site is structured like this:
Widget A
Widget B
Widget C
All of these menu items…
Hey all. I have created a survey successfully on my site but would like to format the survey results that are displayed after someone "votes" - the default font is too big for the window. Does anyone know how to do this, I can't find the option.
At first I thought: Versions is not working (I already did chmod 755 htmldiff.py), but then I understood!
When I want to change to a previous version of a page, I approve that version. When I want to review this, it stays unchanged, untill I Sign Out. On…
I am trying to display a feed on www.legalisecannabis.com but I get an error "Oops, it looks like you've entered an invalid feed address!"
I don't know why it won't work. Here is the url for the feed http://affiliate.sensiseeds.com//xml.asp?refid={18E4…
In 5.4 if I add configuration options in the tinyMCE.init section of editor_config.php they do not seem to effect the function of the editor. I was able to do it in 5.3
I've just noticed that on my own site, the settings tab in the dashboard is called 'Settings' while on a clients site it's called 'Sitewide Settings'
Also the clients settings has an 'Email' tab that my own site doesn't have. I put together both sites …
Hello. I'm using 5.4.0 from a clean install, and I'm having this problem:
From the dashboard, I created a new page type and started editing its default blocks. Everything worked until I tried to change a block's design. The option didn't show up on the…
Is there a way to create multiple pages quickly in concrete5, because I have 400 that mostly all the same. Would it also be possible to name them from entrys in the database?
Just throwing that last bit out there.
Thanks in advance
If you're looking to get help with an Add-on or Theme you got out of the marketplace, you can do that from the very same place you got the item in the first place. For example, if you have an eCommerce or Calendar question - go check out the Support tab for each of them.
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