Editing (v7+)

Importing 500+ files

I'm trying to use the C5 file importer to import a bunch of files. My PHP max_execution_time is set to 700 seconds. It seems to stop importing every 20 seconds or so, so it only imports about 50 or so images at a time. Any thoughts on this?

PDF "gallery" with download

Hello, This may not be possible but I will give it a go I am on the hunt for gallery system but for PDF's. so my clint has around 20 single and multiple page PDFs. Ideally I would like the (front end) user to view thumbnails of the PDF's ( of the firs…

TinyMCE custom styles not applying in 5.4

Not sure if I've loused this up somehow or if there is a deeper problem. I have my custom styles appearing in TinyMCE but when I highlight some text and choose a style nothing happens. The styles pull-down shows that the style is selected, but if I sel…

Add to main has disappeared

I have added a large Iframe to my site in the main section but now I can't add any more to main underneath as I can't see it. Do you think the iframe is covering the tab, should it do that?

Space out editable selectors

Searched for this on the forums, but have not found any hint. Sometimes, when builing a page with many editable regions, they get overcrowded once the editor function is enabled; one of them black areas, especially if empty, positions behind the others…

Newbie Content Editor Question

If I am adding text and images to a block, is there any way to have the text wrap around the image instead of sitting above or below it?

Registration for visitors

Is it a simple exercise to get people to register with a website? Do they for instance get their password etc automatically and the ability to use the their designated areas? Nige

Rich Text Editor problem

I am new to Concrete5 and have made a full site and most is working ok. I have a few problems I hope someone can help me with. The first one is about the editor. When I open the block to edit or to add a new block to a page it show up partly below my s…

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