Editing (v7+)

member page

I would like to create a member page and put certain file in that page with password protected, only if you have user name and password to acess that file. any body help me please. Thank you

Place search bar in top right corner

I am new to Concrete5 and have built a site using the Green Salad template as a base. It works fine but I want to move the search feature to the top right hand corner of the header. I also want to add a couple of text-based links next to the Search bar ac…

SWF Files not showing

I have a problem with SWF files not showing correctly on a website. The only swf file on the site should be found at www.justwearit.com.au/index.php/contact-nsc/ This should display a map. I have uploaded the swf file to File Manager and I know it work…

Images not showing after inserting

When I insert an image via the wysiwyg in a content block it appears fine in the editor. However when I save the page the image doesn't show. When I check the url for the image it says [code]/index.php/download_file/-/view_inline/171/[/code] Wh…

How do I add an image via the wyswyug editor? (IE: no gallery)

When I select the add an image icon in the wysywg editor it basically asks me for the file path of the image. Is there an option to actually call up a gallery or folder so that i can actually see and select the image visually? Thanks

Alias page order

I've created a list of page aliases in the sitemap. How can I change the display sequence?

Managing RSS Feed/Page List

I have downloaded Concrete5 and installed it on my website and I must say, it's brilliant. Thinking of using it on a site I am building in the next while. I just cannot get my head around the RSS/Page List Block. Where do I edit my RSS feed? and als…

Multi select pages to assign design (page type)

I've searched around a bit and couldn't find any discussion about this, so please forgive me if it has been discussed before. I'm looking for a way to assign page types across multiple pages at once. As a faux example: My boss would now like all…

Moving blocks

I have a site that I have simplecast loaded in. I have added several podcasts using the cast add into a block on a page. The podcasts have a record date. Currently all of the podcasts show up in the order they were added. I want to move them so that the l…

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